Bollywood’s drama queen Rakhi Sawant is often in the news due to her antics. After coming out of Bigg Boss, a video of him is going viral. In which she is seen talking about Bigg Boss.
Rakhi said this about Bigg Boss (Photo Credit: @instantbollywood Instagram)
New Delhi:
Bollywood’s drama queen Rakhi Sawant is often in the news due to her antics. In the past, she was entertaining her fans by staying in the house of Bigg Boss 15. From where she used to come in the headlines for some reason or the other. At present, the actress has come out of the house. After which recently a video of him is going viral. In which Rakhi Sawant is seen doing many things. This video of him has been covered on social media.
Actually, Rakhi was spotted after coming out of Bigg Boss house. Where the paparazzi surrounded them. During this, the actress was seen standing with her husband Ritesh and talking comfortably. Where she said that she could not do gym even for a day inside the house. During this many people took pictures with the actress. Then the actress says that she will stay alone in Bigg Boss and will throw everyone out. After which the actress is seen showing her phone, in which someone’s call is coming. However, the screen is not clearly visible due to sunlight. Then she tells Bigg Boss that now she has come out and let her sleep. This video of her is going viral on social media.
People made various comments on this video of Rakhi. Where a user wrote, ‘None else Rakhi will be in Big Boss again next year’. At the same time, many people asked this question that when did Rakhi get out of Bigg Boss?
Let us tell you that even Rakhi’s eviction was not shown in Bigg Boss. But she herself informed about this on her Instagram account that she is out. At the same time, when the paparazzi asked her the question, even during that time she clearly said that she was out.
First Published : 26 Jan 2022, 08:35:24 PM
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