Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has settled down by marrying actor Ranveer Singh. But at one point he regretted losing his love. Due to which she did not want to invite Katrina, who had snatched her first love, to her wedding.
Deepika hated Kat so much (Photo Credit: @deepikapadukone and @katrinakaif Instagram)
New Delhi:
Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has settled down by marrying actor Ranveer Singh. Fans like the pair of both very much. But do you know that the actress regretted losing her first love. Due to which she hated Katrina Kaif, who snatched her first love so much that she did not even agree to invite Kat to her wedding. This was announced by Deepika publicly during an interview. But then what happened that Kat reached Deepika Padukone’s reception party.
Obviously, by now you must have understood that the reason for this estrangement between the two was none other than Ranbir Kapoor. Who was once the boyfriend of both of them. Actually, it happened that during the film ‘Sawariyan’, Ranbir and Deepika came close to each other. Both started dating each other. They were also spotted together many times. Both were in a relationship with each other for about two years. But in the meantime, Katrina Kaif’s entry was made in his life.
Ranbir Kapoor was attracted towards actress Katrina Kaif. Due to which Deepika and Ranbir’s relationship broke down. During that time, Katrina was believed to be the reason for the breakup of the relationship, because she and Deepika separated due to her coming in Ranbir Kapoor’s life. At the same time, Deepika also started getting very irritated with Katrina on this matter. After which Deepika made it clear during an interview that she is not going to invite Katrina to her wedding at all. His statement made a lot of headlines. However, then when Deepika married Ranveer Singh, Kat did not attend the wedding but did reach the couple’s reception. In such a situation, this matter once again came in the discussion.
Talking on which Deepika said that she has cleared all her estrangement with Kat. She believes that Kat is one of the best actresses in the Bollywood industry. At the same time, Katrina also expressed happiness over going to the reception of both. He said that he danced a lot during that time and had a lot of fun.
First Published : 23 Jan 2022, 11:55:54 PM
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