Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone, Ananya Pandey and Siddhant Chaturvedi starrer film ‘Gehraiyaan’ is going to be released soon. Meanwhile, a video is going viral. In which Siddhant is seen saving actress Ananya Pandey from the cold.
Siddhant was seen protecting Ananya (Photo Credit: @siddhantchaturvedi and @ananyapanday Instagram)
New Delhi:
The trailer of Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone, Ananya Pandey and Siddhant Chaturvedi starrer film ‘Gehraiyaan’ has been released recently. Which got a very good response from the people. Fans liked the trailer a lot. After which Starcast is engaged in the promotion of the film. Meanwhile, recently a video of Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Pandey is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In which the actor is seen saving Ananya from the cold. This video of him has become viral as soon as it comes on social media.
Let us tell you that this video has been shared by Paparazzi Viral Bhayani from his official Instagram page. In which actress Ananya Pandey is seen in brown color off shoulder crop top and pants. At the same time, Siddhant Chaturvedi has taken a casual look in shirt, jeans and coat. Both are seen posing for paps in some ground. But during this time there is such a strong wind that Ananya starts feeling cold. In such a situation, Siddhant immediately takes off his coat and puts it on Ananya. After which he poses to the paps. This video of both of them has become viral as soon as it comes on social media.
Social media users have given different reactions on this. Where a user wrote, ‘Caring friend’. Also some people praised the principle. At the same time, many netizens wrote, ‘Why wear such clothes in such a cold.’ Another user wrote, ‘Die in the cold but the fashion should not go’.
Let us tell you that apart from this, another video has surfaced on social media. Where Deepika Padukone joins her two co-stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Pandey in her upcoming film ‘Gehraiyaan’. During this, the actress has carried a high-thai slit midi of orange color. In which she is looking very hot. After which the actress goes ahead and starts posing with Siddhant and Ananya. This video of him has become viral as soon as it comes on social media. Well, if we talk about the film, then ‘Gehraiyaan’ is going to be released on February 11. In which the complications between love relationships have been shown. During this, Deepika has given many bold scenes with Siddhant.
First Published : 24 Jan 2022, 08:59:32 PM
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