Actress Aashna Zaveri said, a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles

IANS , Edited By : IANS , Updated on: 05 Feb 2022, 09:40:02 PM

Actress Ahna

(source: IANS) (Photo Credit: (source: IANS))

Chennai: Actress Aashna Zaveri, who has featured in several Tamil films including Santhanam starrer Vallavanukku Pullam Ayudham, feels a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

The actress believes that being grateful for even the smallest of things can really go a long way in making someone feel better about themselves.

Taking to Instagram, the actress said, no matter what life affects you, there is always something to be thankful for.

Those days when I felt anxious, inadequate. I immediately turn to gratitude – simple things like being grateful for our food, good health. Our loved ones can really help us fix our situation right away.

You can choose the things that you appreciate most in your life, a simple practice that can have a huge impact on the way we feel and react around us. You appreciate life a little more and worry a little less. As they say, a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

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First Published : 05 Feb 2022, 09:40:02 PM

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