Hyderabad: A huge set of Rs 3 crore has been prepared for Samantha’s upcoming film Yashoda.

It is reported that the makers of Samantha’s upcoming film Yashoda are busy preparing a big set for the upcoming schedule.

A grand set of a seven star hotel has been built, which is one of the most important sets of the film. Art director Ashok is looking after the set, as there are many laborers working on the beautiful set at the moment.

Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who will be playing the lead role in the film, is currently on a short vacation in Kerala and will soon join the sets to wrap up the upcoming important sequences of Yashoda.

Helmed by director duo Hari-Harish, Yashoda is a new age multilingual thriller.

The film stars famous actors Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Unni Mukundan, Rao Ramesh and Murali Sharma in important roles.

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