Seeing what we have received from Lata Mangeshkar’s Twitter account, you may also have questions like whether Lata Mangeshkar was the first woman to take selfie in India (Whether Lata Mangeshkar took selfie in India and whether Lata Mangeshkar took selfie in India). had started

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Akanksha Tiwari , Updated on: 07 Feb 2022, 10:14:21 AM

World first selfie

Lata Mangeshkar was not only the queen of music but also a selfie queen (Photo Credit: Photo- @lata_mangeshkar Instagram)

New Delhi:

You will get a lot to learn from the life of Lata Mangeshkar, the vocal lady who has given thousands of evergreen songs like ‘Naam Gum Jayega Chehra Yeh Badal Jayega…’. Lata Mangeshkar was not only fond of singing, but apart from this, she also liked to cook, watch cricket, watch movies and do photography. But if you are told that Lata Mangeshkar was the real selfie queen then you will be surprised. But this is true. Actually, seeing what we found on checking her social media account, you will also say that Lata didi was the real selfie queen.

Read also: Lata Mangeshkar: The ‘Lata’ of the seven notes which became immortal forever

Seeing what we got from Lata Mangeshkar’s Twitter account, you may also have questions like whether Swar Kokila Lata Mangeshkar was the first woman to take selfie in India and whether Lata Mangeshkar started Selfie in India. did it? Actually, on the day of ‘World Photography Day’ in the year 2018, Lata Mangeshkar tweeted one after the other on her Twitter account in which she shared her 2 black and white pictures. In the first tweet, Lata didi wrote along with the picture, ‘Hello, sharing with you my own clicked picture which I took in 1950. Today it is known as ‘Selfie’.

See also: From childhood to youth, see Unseen Photos of Lata Mangeshkar

At the same time, in her second tweet, she congratulated the people on ‘World Photography Day’, with which she is seen with the camera in the picture shared. Looking at this tweet and picture of Lata Mangeshkar in the year 2018, it seems that she will be the first woman in India who clicked a selfie in 1950. For which she can be called selfie queen. Today Lata Mangeshkar may not be in this world but she will always be immortal through the songs sung by her. Born in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, Lata Mangeshkar said goodbye to this world on 6 February 2022.

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First Published : 07 Feb 2022, 10:14:21 AM

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