Chennai: Actress Anushka Shetty, who has carved a niche for herself in both Tamil and Telugu film industries, on Tuesday asked women to be the best they can be professionally, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Said by posting on an Instagram on Women’s Day.
Taking to Instagram to wish all women a very Happy International Women’s Day, Anushka said, “Wishing you all a very Happy Women’s Day. Embrace and love yourself for who you really are.
Each one of us is unique. Let us be the best we can be – professionally, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Stop running after what is out of your reach.. Life is fragile and cherish and grow the person who is within you.
The actress thanked the men in her post.
PS: Thank you to all the men, be it your father, brother, son, friend husband, partner, who make us special, supported, loved in their own small and big way.
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