Mumbai: Actor Prashant Narayanan opens up about his role in the web series My with actress Sakshi Tanwar.

Prashanth, who has been a part of several Hindi and Malayalam films, is playing a double character in this web series.

Talking about his character Prashant shared, I am very honored to be the first actor to play a double role in the series. The characters I am playing are by the names of Jawahar and Mohandas. They both belong to the world of crime.

Prashant is playing the role of two brothers – Jawahar and Mohandas in the web series. While Jawahar dies in the first episode, his brother Mohandas enters in the fourth episode.

Mai also stars Vivek Mushran, Vamika Gabbi, Anant Vidhat, Ankur Ratan, Raima Sen and Seema Pahwa in pivotal roles. The six-episode series is streaming on Netflix.

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