Thar director Raj Singh Chowdhary recalls shooting in desert areas
(source: IANS) (Photo Credit: (source: IANS))
Mumbai: Raj Singh Choudhary, director of Netflix’s upcoming film Thar, says that shooting for the film Thar in the rugged desert of Rajasthan was very difficult.
Sharing his experience of shooting, Raj said, It was a tough shoot in terms of the terrain. There were difficulties in shooting at some places, especially carrying equipment to set up a shot. There was one such location that I found – which was an 800 year old structure and it was beautiful and on top of a mountain in the middle, I knew I had to shoot there, but then the production told me to shoot there logically. It was impossible to do. I reassured them and the production was amazing they built a road for easy movement.
Referring to the difficulties faced by the star cast, he also said, “Satish sir climbed the mountains and Anil sir was riding a bike in areas which are very difficult to ride on a bike. Apart from this, there was a shot in which Fatima fell from the jeep while she was driving at speed, but she managed herself and sat in the jeep.
The film is releasing on Netflix on May 6.
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First Published : 26 Apr 2022, 09:40:01 PM
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