Actor Raghubir will be seen in the second season of Panchayat

IANS , Edited By : IANS , Updated on: 09 May 2022, 08:45:01 PM

Raghubir Yadav

(source: IANS) (Photo Credit: (source: IANS))

Mumbai: Actor Raghubir Yadav will be seen in the second season of the comedy drama Panchayat.

Speaking at the trailer launch of the second season of the series while interacting with the media, the actor said, “I like to live life at a certain pace and choose projects that I enjoy and I think the audience will connect with.

He further added, “For me, a content is successful only when it stays in the heart of the audience. Like a true artist, he combines the various arts of acting and music.

Talking about the cross-wiring between acting and music, he said, “I became an actor because of music. Music gave me a certain rhythm which is very important in the performing art of acting.

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First Published : 09 May 2022, 08:45:01 PM

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