Los Angeles: Fred Savage, who served as director and executive producer on The Wonder Years, has been fired for bad behavior on set.

According to Variety, several employees complained about Savage’s behavior on the shooting set of The Wonder Years. The nature of the complaints remains unclear.

As Variety reports, a spokesperson for Disney-owned 20th Television confirmed that Savage has been fired.

“Recently, we received a complaint about inappropriate conduct by Fred Savage,” the spokesperson said in a statement. After which the investigation was started. After the investigation found the complaint to be true, it was decided to remove him as a direct and executive producer.

This is not the first case of expulsion for his conduct. Even before this, Savage has come in the headlines for his bad behavior.

In 1993, original The Wonder Years costume designer Monique Long sued her for sexual harassment.

In addition, in 2018, a member of the wardrobes team, Yunju Hwang, accused Savage of aggressive behavior, threats and abusing female employees.

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