Los Angeles: The release of Oscar-winning-actor Will Smith’s upcoming film Inception has been postponed to 2023. Now this film of his will hit the screens next year.

According to Variety, the actor’s next film, and co-produced by his production company Westbrook Studios, is planning to postpone the film until 2023.

The film is Smith’s first film to release after slapping comedian Chris Rock during the 94th Oscars. The film is directed by Antoine Fuqua.

As reported by Variety, he was banned from Oscars and other Academy related events for 10 years after the slap.

The studio hasn’t officially announced a releasing date for Immersion. The discussion about immensity had already started even before this year’s Oscars.

Written by Bill Collage. It stars Ben Foster in the lead role. It is the story of a runaway man who tries to escape from his plantation owners.

The film stars Todd Black, Joey McFarland and Jon Monáe as producers.

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