New Delhi: Actress Niharika Roy plays Radha alongside Shabir Ahluwalia’s Mohan in Prateek Sharma’s latest show Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam: Radha Mohan.

The actress is happy to bag the role, and shares that daily soaps have a taste of their own.

She says, I think the concept of this show is unique. It is a kind of love story, but completely different from other TV shows. Also, the character of Tulsi, who is of spirit played by Kirti Nagpure, is very interesting, emotional, and human enough that the audience can easily connect with all its emotions.

He believes that nowadays the audience has become more receptive to the relevant content. While saas-bahu tales still have their audience, times are changing.

I think the relevant content definitely attracts the audience. But at the same time a unique and interesting concept can attract as well as impress the audience. As far as the saas-bahu stories are concerned, it certainly had its charm when it initially started. But that concept has already been reiterated many times. And I think the audience doesn’t want to see the same thing over and over again.

Niharika Pyaar Ka Naam: Radha Mohan is satisfied with the response she has received.

The response, she says, has been mostly overwhelming. We get many messages and feedback on social media. Our efforts are driven to make the show more enjoyable for the viewers.

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