Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor are busy shooting for director Luv Ranjan’s film. Recently, a BTS video during his shooting has surfaced. In which both are seen kissing while dancing.
BTS video of Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor surfaced (Photo Credit: Social Media)
New Delhi:
Ranbir Kapoor (Ranbir Kapoor) and Shraddha Kapoor (Shraddha Kapoor) Director Luv Ranjan (Luv Ranjan) She is busy shooting for her upcoming film. From where his pictures and videos are coming out. Meanwhile, recently BTS video of his shooting (Ranbir Kapoor Shraddha Kapoor BTS video) has come to the fore. In which both are seen sharing a kiss while dancing. At the same time, a lot of people are seen around them. This video of him went viral as soon as it came on social media. (Ranbir Kapoor Shraddha Kapoor viral video) has occurred. People are also seen reacting fiercely to this video. Along with this, social media users are also remembering Ranbir’s wife Alia Bhatt.
Let us tell you that this latest video of Ranbir with Shraddha has been shared from his own fan page. In which it can be seen that where Ranbir has styled jeans with a pink color shirt. While Shraddha appeared in yellow color midi during this time. In the video, the actor first sits on his knees in front of Shraddha. Then the actress picks them up and they both kiss. At the same time, after this another clip is added to the video. In which faith is seen walking. At the same time, Ranbir is behind him. After which the actors pull Shraddha towards them and hug them and kiss. A large crowd can be seen around them in the clip. Seeing which it seems that the people around him are the crew members of the film. Thousands of likes have come on his video in no time. Let us tell you that currently the shooting of the film is in Spain. (Luv Ranjan film shooting in spain) running in.
It is worth noting that even before this, a BTS video has surfaced. In which a choreographer was showing Shraddha stepping with Ranbir. While Shraddha was standing beside and watching the dance step carefully. Let us tell you that this is the first time that Ranbir and Shraddha are working together on Luv Ranjan’s project. At the same time, filmmaker Boney Kapoor from this film. (Boney Kapoor) He is also about to make his acting debut. Boney will be seen in the role of Ranbir’s father in the movie. while the dimples (Dimples Kapadia) The actor will play the role of Ranbir’s mother.
First Published : 21 Jun 2022, 10:02:34 AM
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