Mumbai: Popular TV actor Girish Sahdev spoke about how the film was an eye-opener on the families of the army even after the border. Played the role of an Indian Army officer as part of the Bravehearts anthology in the short film Sarhad Ke Baad Bhi.
The story of the film revolves around the journey of Colonel Balram, a retired Indian Army officer played by Girish. The story depicts his desire to return to his family after years of serving in the army and spend quality time with his wife and son Aman.
Girish said, “I am honored to be a part of such an important role in Bravehearts. The films touch on the real difficulties our brave, strong soldiers face, including the mental health pressures and consequences for their families.
The actor, who has been seen in TV shows like Best of Luck Nikki, Navya… Naye Dhadkan Naye, added, “This gives me more respect for our great men who fought for the security of this country.
Naman Jain, who plays the role of Aman said, “My character Aman, who like me slowly understood the importance that mental health plays in our lives. It also made me have more respect for our jawans, while they retired hoping to live life victorious, memories that haunt them. This role is to pay tribute to the soldiers of the country.
It is also the third part of the main compilation Bravehearts, after the short film Border. The show is available on Dice Media YouTube channel.
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