The trailer of Alia Bhatt’s film ‘Darlings’ has been released recently, so it is also necessary to share pictures of the actress. In which it can be seen how she has hidden her baby bump in tight clothes.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 26 Jul 2022, 06:53:47 PM


Alia Bhatt shared such pictures (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt (Alia Bhatt) She often shares her photos and videos on social media. Which is also very much liked by his fans. In such a situation, recently Alia’s film ‘Darlings’ (Alia Bhatt Darlings) The trailer of the film has been released, so the pictures of the actress (Alia Bhatt latest photos) Sharing is also possible. She has done the same, but the most important thing in her post was how she wore her baby bump in tight clothes. (Alia Bhatt baby bump) has hidden. Which has become a topic of discussion at this time. people in pictures (Alia Bhatt latest look) But giving different types of reactions.

Alia shared these pictures on her official Instagram page. (Alia Bhatt instagram page) Shared from. In which it can be seen that she has styled a yellow color coat-pants with a black top. At the same time, with this he has kept the hair open. Her look looks quite amazing in appearance. The actress has posed in these pictures in such a way that her baby bump is not captured in the camera at all. With this, Alia wrote in the caption, ‘I pose … you watch the trailer of Darlings.’ Fans are liking these pictures of Alia very much.

Let us tell you that apart from this his statement (Alia Bhatt on being parents) is also under discussion. In which he has talked about how he will become a parent for his future child. She said, “Ranbir and I are very different, I mean I like to do a lot of planning. While he just likes to live it, dream about it and experience it. But we are similar in this thing. That we learn something or the other from every day. But hopefully the best. We only want the best.”

Well, let’s talk about Alia Bhatt’s upcoming films. (Alia Bhatt upcoming movies) So he has many projects. In which the names of ‘Jee Le Zara’, ‘Darlings’, ‘Brahmastra’, ‘Rocky and Rani’s love story’, ‘Inshallah’, ‘Aashiqui 3’, ‘Takht’ are included. The audience is eagerly waiting for these films of the actor. Some of these will be released this year, while some will be seen next year.

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First Published : 26 Jul 2022, 06:53:47 PM

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