Mumbai: Veteran actor Anupam Kher recently joined R. Saw Madhavan’s directorial debut Rocketry: The Nambi Effect and he was very impressed. Anupam released a video on Twitter in which he shared his thoughts after watching the film.
Actor Anupam Kher said that every Indian should apologize to rocket scientist Nambi Narayanan, who was once wrongly accused of espionage.
R Madhavan, who directed the film, also portrayed the lead character of the former aerospace engineer.
Anupam shared his thoughts by sharing the video on Twitter and said that he cried after watching this film, which is a great film based on the life of Nambi. Also Anupam Kher requested everyone that every Indian should watch this film.
Anupam can be heard saying in the video that he felt both sad and proud seeing the compassion with which R Madhavan portrayed the character. This is definitely one of the best movies I’ve seen recently.
Anupam Kher praised the film very much, along with Anupam also praised Rocketry actor R Madhavan, as well as talked about feeling proud of Madhavan.
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