Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is gearing up for the release of Shamshera, says he loves being a part of original stories and loves original music in his films. He is happy that in this era of remixes, his upcoming film has original music which he hopes the audience will enjoy.
Ranbir says don’t put remixes down, they have their place in the world and the audience enjoys it. But, I love being a part of original things, ideas, origin stories and especially original music.
He goes on to say, whether it is Mohit Chauhan, or Arijit Singh, or Pritam, or A.R. Rahman or all the different musicians I have worked with have really played an important role in my growth as an actor and a star. With Shamshera it is another step.
The first two songs of Shamshera, Zee Huzoor and the romantic track Fitoor are both situational songs that take the story of the film forward. Fitoor is sung by Arijit Singh and Neeti Mohan and Ranbir hopes this quintessential love track will connect with the audience at large emotionally.
He further says, I love Fitoor. This is a lovely romantic track, the quintessential love song which I hope people will love too. The scale of Fitoor is just insane and it will look gorgeous on the big screen.
Regarding the Shamshera music album, Ranbir comments, Of course, Shamshera is a period action entertainer. So, the music also had to fit in that era so that it was not a mess. There are many different types of songs in the film.
Directed by Karan Malhotra, the action film is produced by Aditya Chopra and is slated to release on July 22 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
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