Mumbai: Actor Shayank Shukla, who will be seen in the film Jadugar, has talked about gaining weight and learning football for the film, which also stars Aarushi Sharma, Javed Jaffrey and Jitendra Kumar.

Shayank said, To begin with, we have to understand the emotional and physical aspects of the character so that we can connect with his life and accordingly bring the vibrancy of that character to our audience.

I started thinking as Hemu, keeping in mind that his left hand is not capable enough, it took me about 1-2 months to be completely with Hemu.

On what kind of challenges he faced to prepare for Hemu, he said, “First of all my director (Sameer Saxena) asked me to gain 10 kgs in the very first meeting. He wanted me to gain 10 kg more than my current weight at that time as it was a requirement of the script.

The actor has been a part of shows like Jabariya Jodi, web show Sunflower and TV show Chandragupta Maurya.

Elaborating on his relationship with actor Jitendra Kumar, Shayank said, “Jeetu is such a fine person that reflects in his art, so I believe he is an amazing actor. He is someone who believes in maintaining friendly relations with his co-actors.

This movie is about football, love and magic. So the character I am playing is named Hemu, who is the goalkeeper of this team called Adarsh ​​Nagar Sikandar.

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