Mumbai: The seventh season of popular chat show Koffee With Karan is all set to premiere on July 7 and will see Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt sitting on a couch for the first episode.
During the episode, show host Karan Johar and Gully Boy co-stars Ranveer and Alia touched on celebrity relationship trajectories, supporting their partners and their lives after marrying the love of their lives.
Alia Bhatt took the conversation further with her experience of fitting into the Kapoor clan.
About her journey to embrace the majestic celebrations of Bollywood’s first family, she said, “I have been brought up among my mother, sister and father. Our conversations were very limited. We were a very close family, but we were not a big family. We didn’t have such big celebrations or get-togethers.
He further added, explaining the difference between her home and her in-laws’ house, Alia said, “Everyone has done their job.” Enter the Kapoor family, where everyone does everything together. You eat together, perform aarti together and everything is done together. it was very nice. It is because of the Kapoor family that I have gone through so many moments of culture and family that it has given me a new layer in my life.
The season of Koffee With Karan will air on OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar with new tattle games including Koffee Bingo, Mashed Up as well as the all-time favorite Rapid Fire – bringing fans closer to their favorite stars. The first episode will air on the streamer on July 7 at 7 PM and will be aired every Thursday.
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