Mumbai: Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor has heaped praise on his Shamshera co-star Vaani Kapoor, calling him a fine actor for his focus and commitment to the character.

Appreciating the single-point focus of the actress, Ranbir said, Vaani is a very good actress. She’s going to work very hard. She is so focused that she always wears headphones, listens to music and tries to be in character. Several times I have tried to distract his attention.

He added, “We really enjoyed each other’s company. I think what she has done in Shamshera is quite outstanding and I am looking forward to see how people view her character and her performance. He has a very important role in film and people. Will have to wait to see how important his role is.

In Shamshera, Ranbir is pitted against Sanjay Dutt, who plays Shuddh Singh, a ruthless, cold-hearted brute force of nature.

Talking about his pairing with Vaani in the film, Ranbir shared, It is definitely a new pairing and I hope people like our characters when they watch the film. We have also done a few songs together and I hope everyone enjoys it. Vaani has put in a lot of hard work in the film and she deserves all the love and praise.

Shamshera, directed by Agneepath fame Karan Malhotra, will hit the theaters worldwide on July 22 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

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