In the Bollywood industry, Ranveer Singh is known for his unusual style apart from his films. Meanwhile, recently what the actor has done. Since then it is being said that Ranveer has done this to match Shahrukh Khan.
Ranveer Singh did such a thing (Photo Credit: Social Media)
New Delhi:
Ranveer Singh in Bollywood Industry (Ranveer Singh) Apart from his films, he is known for his unusual style. For which he has to face trolling along with praise. But in the meantime what Ranveer has done recently has surprised people. That’s because he bought a house worth 119 crores. (Ranveer Singh buys 119 crore luxury quadruplex) Is purchased. This house of his Shahrukh (Ranveer Singh Shahrukh Khan) is equal to. Today we are going to tell you about his house.
This sea-view of the actor luxury quadruplex The apartment is in Sagar Resham Tower, Bandstand. Which is exactly between Shahrukh Khan’s bungalow Mannat and Salman Khan’s resident. This apartment of Ranveer is spread over 16-19th floor. Which is built in about 11,266 sq feet. Actors can park a total of 19 cars in this building. Knowing about this house of the artist, his fans are surprised that he gave so many crores for this house. At the same time, many people have congratulated him for this new house.
Well, let’s talk about Ranveer’s workfront. (Ranveer Singh upcoming movies) That’s why he has many films in the coming days. In which the names of ‘Circus’, ‘Rocky and Rani’s love story’, ‘Takht’, ‘Simmba 2’ are included. The audience is eagerly waiting for these films of the star. For which he often expresses his excitement on social media. Let us tell you that Ranveer Singh is the highest paid actor in the Hindi film industry since his debut in 2010. (Ranveer Singh highest paid actor) He is one of the most successful and busiest artists in the world. In such a situation, it is possible to take such an expensive house.
First Published : 10 Jul 2022, 10:36:15 PM
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