New Delhi: Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi, who is seen in the show Channa Mereya, said that he loves being a part of it. That said, his character also follows the ideology he believes in, which makes him even more fun to play.
He said, the title reminds me of all the valuable things that each of us have in life and how we protect them, be it culture, family traditions, family, business, surroundings, love for nature, all Something is dear to our heart and we should respect every relationship.
The chef from Mumbai owns a restaurant in Andheri. He also owns a lounge bar and a restaurant in Jalandhar.
The chef has been a part of many food shows such as Pagadi Tadka, Punjab De Superchef and many more. He is making his fictional debut with Channa Mereya.
He further adds, I am very happy that I am getting to play the role of Khushwant Grewal, who is the owner of the Dhaba, and shares all the values and traditions of running a successful Dhaba. As a chef, I have always believed that people always taste. Life in the hands of the one who cooks with love.
About working with the team, Harpal says, “It has been wonderful to work with all the stars and it is a pleasure working with them. Yash Patnaik had clearly decided in advance that I should play Papaji as it is closer to my profession as a chef and I am enjoying what I am doing.
The actor says that fresh content is always liked by the audience.
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