Mumbai: Bollywood actor Vineet Kumar Singh, who is gearing up for the upcoming third season of the popular OTT series Rangbaaz, recently revealed what draws him to deep and intense roles.
The actor said, “Producers give me deep and intense roles because they think I will be able to do it well. And I feel like I have done such roles prominently so it becomes a reference point. Not that I like to do only, deep and intense roles. I want to play more different types of characters in the future.
His character of Haroon Shah Ali Baig in the politics of Rangbaaz-Dar is far from what it is in real life. So how did he break out of this character and get into his skin?
The actor further revealed, I had to do a lot of research to find and understand this character and its characteristics. I read the script several times, and pointed out several things that would get me closer to the character.
Further sharing his process, he said, “I spend a lot of time with the writer, director and listener to understand how they understand the character. After collating all the material, I try to get into the character’s mind and then start over. I am feeling the mannerisms of the character.
Rangbaaz – Darr Ki Politics will premiere on July 29, 2022 on AA5.
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