Well-known comedian Vir Das is often in the news due to his statements. Meanwhile, recently he has released a note for his comedy shows. In which he has strictly refused to bring children in comedy shows.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 09 Aug 2022, 08:16:36 PM

vir das

Virdas released this note (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Renowned Comedian Vir Das (Vir Das) He is often in the discussion due to his statements. Because of which they often have to face trolling from the side of the people. Meanwhile, recently he has released a note for his comedy shows. In which he has strictly refused to bring children in comedy shows. Hearing this, the question must be coming in your mind that why so? So today we are going to tell you about this.

Veer shared his Instagram story (Vir Das instagram story) But while sharing a note, it is written, “Hey friends, a small request. A couple brought a 3-year-old child to the show yesterday. It was very difficult for me to arrange ‘arrangement’ for that child. In such a situation, arrange for babysitters and appreciate them for this. He said, ‘That girl will not understand anything. But I became uncomfortable talking about what I am saying in front of a child, if the child does not understand a single word. The audience will also be uncomfortable laughing at this.”

They (Vir Das statement) He continued, “These are small rooms, full of adults and stand-up shows are no place for a kid. The Fringe Festival actually puts on hundreds of amazing shows for kids, some of which I’m going to watch too. I appreciate you so much that you want to come to see me, but I don’t like it. Hope I see you in a show soon. Thank you, V.”

Let us tell you that at present, Virdas is in discussion due to the statement given due to his concern about the children. But last year, he had made headlines due to one of his statements. In which he gave the monologue ‘I come from to India’ in Washington (Vir Das monologue I come from two Indias) Due to which became the subject of discussion. Where he got support from some people. At the same time, many people trolled the comedian a lot.

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First Published : 09 Aug 2022, 08:16:36 PM

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