Mumbai: The discussion about the biopic of the late iconic actress Madhubala of Hindi cinema has been going on for a long time. Meanwhile, Madhubala’s sister Madhur Brij Bhushan, expressing displeasure, has given a statement regarding some unnecessary thing.
Madhur’s company, Madhubala Ventures Pvt Ltd is also gearing up to co-produce a biopic with a top studio.
She says, I have come to know that some people are playing mischief when it comes to any film/series etc. on my sister’s life. In such a situation, I will leave no stone unturned to take strictest legal action for these people.
At the same time, Madhur also revealed that he, his team members as well as his lawyers have decided to initiate some legal process against certain individuals, firms, who have illegally exploited Madhubala’s life story rights. .
He has requested actors, producers and talent not to be a part of Madhubala related projects which have not been authorized.
She further says, I request that no actor, studio, producer or any talent should participate in any project which is not expressly authorized by me as it violates the legal and emotional rights of my family. Will happen.
Time and again, I am pleading against the illegal exploitation of my sister’s life story rights because ideally, I do not want to take the legal route against anyone, especially since my sisters and I are now old and senior citizens. Huh. But if the need arises, I will act legally and will not shy away from protecting what we are entitled to.
Bhushan aims to pay the most beautiful tribute to his sister.
We all feel that the time has come to tell the beautiful story of Madhubala to the whole world. She started working as a child and then went on to become the Venus of Indian cinema.
He added, “This is an extremely emotional occasion for me and my entire family. Me and my team want to come up with a truly beautiful, sensitive film with some of the best talent in the film industry. We need all the best wishes.
The statement comes after Bollywood producer Tutu Sharma took up the challenge of making a film on Madhubala’s life.
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