Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Raksha Bandhan’ was recently released on screen. But the film could not do much collection. At the same time, boycott trend is going on continuously regarding films. On which Akshay has talked recently.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 14 Aug 2022, 10:34:40 PM

akshay kumar

Akshay Kumar talks about boycott trend (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Akshay Kumar (Akshay Kumar) The movie ‘Raksha Bandhan’ (Akshay Kumar Raksha Bandhan) Recently released on screen. However, this film could not make any special collection (Raksha Bandhan hit or flop) on screen. At the same time, there is a demand to boycott the films continuously on all social media platforms. Even the talk of boycotting not only the films but the entire Bollywood industry is coming to the fore. On which Akshay Kumar recently (Akshay Kumar on boycott trend) The reaction has come. In which he has talked about such a trend. But even after this, he is facing trolling. So what did Akshay say, we will tell you in this article.

The actor gave these things in an interview to Hindustan Times (Akshay Kumar interview) are in somewhere. In which he said, “People are smart enough to know what is wrong and what is right. I would just request them not to do such mischief, it is not good and it harms every industry. What has happened now, everyone has their own.” -Apna kuch bolna hai. A film is made, with a lot of money and hard work and any industry, it affects the economy of India and we are really only indirectly hurting ourselves and I hope that People will soon realize this.” After hearing this statement of the actor, people say that his films are flopping, so he is crying out for the economy.

At the same time, talking about the success of South’s films, the actor (Akshay Kumar latest statement) Said that it all depends on the film and not on whether it is a South or North film or not. He said, “Films work because they are good and movies don’t work because they are not good. All we have to do is make the right films.”

At the same time, director Aanand L Rai (Anand L Rai on boycott trend) Talking on this also said, ‘Everyone has their own choice. It is freedom of expression and how they use it is up to them. I have always felt that audiences are very powerful and they know what they want and nothing can stop them from that.”

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First Published : 14 Aug 2022, 10:34:40 PM

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