In different seasons of Kapil Sharma, the actors made a lot of recognition by working and making people laugh. In which the name of Ali Asghar is also included, who played the role of grandmother in the show. But the actor did not get that respect at his own home.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 19 Sep 2022, 08:49:59 AM

ali asgar

Ali Asgar did this disclosure (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Kapil Sharma (Kapil Sharma) In different seasons of the film, the actors made a lot of recognition by working and making people laugh. But it was also seen that the show (The Kapil Sharma Show cast) In this, many male actors played the characters of women. Whether it is about Gutthi, Dadi or Palak. All of them entertained people, but they did not get that respect in their own home. What was revealed recently, Ali Asghar, who played the role of grandmother (Ali Asgar) has done it. In which he told the reason for not playing such characters anymore. Also told that he was unemployed for a long time due to one reason. Today we are going to tell you about this.

Ali (Ali Asgar interview) has told these things in a conversation with the media institute. In which he said, “One day while we were having dinner on Saturday, we saw an ad. In which it was told that ‘Ali and another actor are working together. Ali Jahan will be seen as ‘Bahu’, And the other artist will be a cop, to which my son looked at me and said, ‘Aapko aur kuch nahi hai?’

comedian (Ali Asgar latest statement) continued, “I asked, ‘Why? What happened?’ He told me, ‘Everybody teases me in school’. I ignored it and when I played a woman again in Sunday’s episode, he (Nuyan) walked out. That’s when I realized I might have had this Shouldn’t. Since then I kept refusing work. For nine whole months I didn’t have work, because that was the only work I was getting.” His statement remains in the discussion at this time. On which different types of reactions of people are being seen. Also, people are speculating that this must have been the reason behind Ali leaving ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’. At the same time, some people have praised his move. Let us tell you that the actor is currently in ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’ season 10. (Ali Asgar in jhalak dikhla jaa 10) had arrived in. However, eliminate them (Ali Asgar elimination) has to happen. In such a situation, his fans are a little unhappy.

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First Published : 19 Sep 2022, 08:49:59 AM

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