Alia Bhatt has been in the headlines for a long time. Meanwhile, recently the actress has shared a cozy picture with hubby Ranbir Kapoor. Which has become viral as soon as it comes on the Internet.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 18 Sep 2022, 01:19:25 PM

Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor

Alia Bhatt shared such a picture (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Alia Bhatt (Alia Bhatt) She has been in the headlines continuously for a long time. The reasons for which are definitely different. But Alia’s name would not have disappeared from the news. Recently actress hubby Ranbir Kapoor (Ranbir Kapoor) shared the picture with. in which they (Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor) Cozy has been seen in front of the camera. this picture of him (Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor photo) At this time it is becoming increasingly viral on the Internet. Which is getting a lot of love from the people. Also, people are reacting in different ways on this.

Let us tell you that Alia has shared this picture on her official Instagram page. (Alia Bhatt instagram page) Shared with. In which it can be seen that Ranbir is seen kissing his wife Alia. During this, smiles and peace are being seen on both of their faces. With this, he wrote in the caption, ‘Home’. From common people to all the celebs have showered their love by commenting on this post.

It is worth noting that earlier the couple had come into the limelight due to a statement given by Ranbir. In which he told that he is completely dependent on Alia. (Ranbir dependent on Alia) Huh. actor (Ranbir Kapoor interview) Talking in the interview, said, “I am very proud that I am independent, but in reality I am very dependent on him. I do not eat anything and go to the bathroom until I know where Alia is. It is very important for me to have him by my side. It doesn’t matter that we are not doing anything romantic and talking, but he should just sit next to me.” At the same time, Alia also agrees to the actor and says that it is true that Ranbir cannot do anything without him, especially if it is health related things.

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First Published : 18 Sep 2022, 01:19:25 PM

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