Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor often remains in the discussion for one reason or the other. On the previous day, the actor came into the limelight when Varun Dhawan questioned Arjun’s character in ‘Koffee with Karan 7’. To which Arjun has recently reacted.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Pallavi Tripathi , Updated on: 19 Sep 2022, 11:06:01 AM

Arjun Kapoor

Arjun Kapoor replied to Varun Dhawan’s comment (Photo Credit: Social Media)

New Delhi:

Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor (Arjun Kapoor) Often they remain in the discussion for one reason or the other. He made headlines last day when Varun Dhawan (Arjun Kapoor Varun Dhawan) Karan Johar’s famous show ‘Koffee with Karan 7’ (Varun Dhawan in koffee with karan 7) I had raised questions on the character of Arjun in front of everyone. After which now Arjun himself has reacted to this. Which has come in the discussion at this time. Today we are going to tell you about this.

Actually, recently actor Arjun Kapoor has shared his official Instagram page. (Arjun Kapoor instagram page) Shared some pictures from. With which he wrote, “New film new vibe.” Commenting on which Varun Dhawan writes, “Are you a human being.” What was it then, how did Arjuna also live without answering? He wrote, “@varundvn I am a completely different person than the description given to me while drinking your coffee.” Since then his pictures (Arjun Kapoor latest photos) Along with the statement remains in the discussion.

It is worth mentioning that in the past, when Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor (Varun Dhawan Anil Kapoor) When KWK7 had arrived with him, he had said such a thing about Arjun. In which the actor had said that Arjun is a gossiper and a flirter person. Even Varun had claimed that Arjun flirts with women online. Reacting to which Anil Kapoor had said, ‘He will breakup’. However, even on this Varun immediately said, ‘No no it will not happen.’ Well, now that the talk has started with Arjun’s film itself, then you should know about his upcoming films. (Arjun Kapoor upcoming movies) Let’s talk about. in which ‘dogs’ (Kuttey)‘The Lady Killer’ (The Lady Killer)‘Canada’ (Kaneda) name is included. Fans are eagerly waiting for these films of the actor.

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First Published : 19 Sep 2022, 11:06:01 AM

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