The trailer of the film Good Boy has been launched. Let us tell you that during the launch event of the film, producers Ekta Kapoor, Neena Gupta, Pavegal Gulati were also seen.

News Nation Bureau , Edited By : Shubhrangi Goyal , Updated on: 06 Sep 2022, 06:39:42 PM

Ekta Kapoor

Ekta Kapoor (Photo Credit: social media)


The trailer of the film Good Boy has been launched. Let us tell you that during the launch event of the film, producers Ekta Kapoor, Neena Gupta, Pavegal Gulati were also seen. During this, Ekta Kapoor shared her experiences of working in the film industry. He also discussed about his association with the Khans of Bollywood. During the press meet, Ekta told that it was her childhood dream to work with Amitabh Bachchan. This is the first time that Ekta has worked with Big B in a film. He further said that he had never dreamed of working with Khan or anyone else but with Big B.

Ekta is the daughter of senior actor Goota Jeetendra and producer Shobha Kapoor. Ekta said, “From childhood, I always dreamed of working with only one person and that was Big B. As a child, I used to attend birthday parties at Amit ji’s house, and Shweta (Nanda Bachchan) and Abhishek (Bachchan) is my friend. Amitabh sir once told my dad (Jitendra) that he once sat in the bus and kept looking at me. I don’t think I ever wanted to work with anyone, no Khan Or someone else, just Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. Finally, it happened. The experience of working in a film like this is different. Ekta Kapoor also got a little emotional while interacting with the audience during the trailer launch of Good Boy. She was a little worried about the growing age of her parents.

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First Published : 06 Sep 2022, 06:39:42 PM

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