Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has turned 56 today. But the way he looks, no one can guess that he is 56. The name of the actor has also been included in the fittest actors this year.
Akshay Kumar (Photo Credit: Social Media)
New Delhi :
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has turned 56 today. But the way he looks, no one can guess that he is 56. The name of the actor has also been included in the fittest actors this year. His stardom is only increasing. The actor has completed three decades in the film industry and still there is no sign of complacency as he is the only actor who does three-four films in a year. But what is it that makes them so popular? Let us know about the secrets of Akshay, which makes him different from others.
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Let us tell you that Akshay Kumar recently while talking about his early days had told that he accepted every job that came to him, he did just that and kept working hard regardless of the role. . At the same time, Akshay also confessed that a lot of the credit for his success goes to the luck that stays with him.
Along with this, when action was new in Hindi cinema, Akshay Kumar surprised people by doing action. In the 90s, he became the favorite star of the house by playing strong roles in films like ‘Mohra’ and ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari’. Akshay Kumar proved with his action that even an actor can do action.
First Published : 09 Sep 2022, 09:59:00 AM
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