Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday said the government was committed to establish peace in Jammu and Kashmir and not to continue the old practice of buying it.
Sinha told reporters at the Raj Bhavan here, “Security forces have gained an edge in combating terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and they are working to destroy the insurgent ecosystem in the union territory.”
“We will not buy peace,” he said. We will establish peace in Jammu and Kashmir.
Sinha said that gone are the days when peace was being bought in Jammu and Kashmir.
We want to destroy the ecosystem of terrorism from its roots. It may take time, but the government will destroy the extremist ecosystem.
He said, the security forces have the upper hand. This is an accepted fact. Our security forces are capable of breaking their backbone.
Sinha said the extremists are attacking soft targets out of desperation, but attention is being paid to it.
He cautioned that such incidents may happen in future also.
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